While my father, Nancy, and John were ripping up the lawn and my father getting stuck in the bramble bushes and having to be rescued Playing golf. (long funny story there) Carolyn myself and the 3 children decided to try and visit some places close by.  We decided to go on a hike. Boy did we almost get into a mess.

This was a very rocky climb on this path. not a easy trail to navigate. We decided to do easier things
Tourist guide: Located on the Pali Coast on the island of Kauai. A difficult hike beginning at Haena State Park, 11 miles. The Kalalua Trail is considered by many to be Kauai's best and most strenuous hike. Find views of the Na Pali Coast, five lush valleys, waterfalls, and ancient Hawaiian ruins.

This Cave is on the way out of the Kalalua trail.     Next Stop...KILAUEA LIGHTHOUSE
Built in 1913 - boasting the largest "clamshell lens" in the world, it is capable of sending a beacon 90 miles out to sea. Located in the Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge - alive with permanent and migrating birds.

We left this park and went to Anini beach to cool off.
Home to the longest exposed reef off Kauai. First rate snorkeling and the best spot on Kauai for beginning windsurfers. Beautiful wedding location.

And the next day